Every year, the SSO:USA Annual Research Conference brings together leading researchers, scholars, therapists, and students to exchange ideas and share their work related to the study of participation in daily activities or those activities that occupy our lives. We are excited to announce that the 2025 Annual Research Conference will take place November 6 - 8, 2025, at the Moody Gardens in Galveston, Texas. 


Moody Gardens

Conference Theme Occupations and Nature: Connections and Transactions

The theme concerns connections and interactions of nature and occupation. Just as nature-based contexts impact occupations that occur in various ecologies, human occupation has profound impacts on these and other ecosystems/ the natural world. Sessions may relate to the theme in various ways, such as discussion questions, interpretations or reflections.



Ruth Zemke Lectureship in Occupational Science: In recognition of Dr. Ruth Zemke's mentorship, questing intellect, and ongoing efforts to foster an occupational science community of researchers, this Lectureship was named in her honor. The lectureship is designed as a forum to present visionary, theoretical, and critical analyses of occupational science.

2025 Ruth Zemke Lectureship in Occupational Science: Dr. Mary Lawlor, ScD, OTR/L, FAOTA


Pre-Conference Education Workshop: More Information Coming Soon!

Thursday, November 6, 2025
10:00 am

Pre-Conference Research Institute: More Information Coming Soon!

Thursday, November 6, 2025
1:30 pm


One of the unique features of SSO:USA conferences is the attention devoted to balance and the quality of participants’ experiences.  Researchers should leave an SSO:USA conference refreshed, stimulated, and energized to return to their work.  Shared meals, conference break blocks, and a range of balance activities encourage attendees to rejuvenate, network, and explore unique aspects of local culture.  


This year the SSO conference Traditions of Talent Share and Sing-along will be our "Art Share". All attendees are invited to contribute and enjoy this informal community gathering with many art forms-- singing, poetry, stand-up, and more.  

SSO:USA is committed to supporting and welcoming participants of all gender identities, races and ethnicities, abilities, socioeconomic backgrounds, and diverse cultures to our conference space. The Conference Committee is working to ensure that resources and supports are provided to facilitate inclusion and safety for all attendees. 

Attendees of the SSO:USA Annual Research Conference are expected to treat each other with kindness and respect, follow the event's guidelines, and promptly inform SSO:USA or event staff if they witness any exclusionary or discriminatory behavior. If you have questions or concerns about inclusivity or safety prior to the conference, please contact [email protected].


Information Coming Soon!

Moody Gardens
One Hope Boulevard
Galveston, Texas 775541

A limited number of rooms will be available at a discounted group rate*. Book your hotel early! 

Book Your Hotel Room at Moody Gardens

*If you use a different discount other than the Conference Rate to book your hotel, please call the hotel to have your room reserved as part of the Conference block.
Hotel Reservations: 409-683-1299

Parking Information 

Free onsite parking at Moody Gardens 


The Society holds an annual silent auction at conference to facilitate student scholarship in occupational science. Donated items collected prior to the annual conference support this activity. Consistent with the mission of the Society, proceeds from the Silent Auction foster the development of researchers by funding student research projects and presentations on the study of occupation. The auction began with the efforts by Dr. Phyllis Meltzer to obtain donations of hand-crafted and artful objects for fund-raising in support of the work of SSO:USA. The auction has expanded to include a wide range of items and opportunities, whose auction proceeds support student research in the study of occupation. The society welcomes donations of artful handmade objects as well as other items such as gift certificates, books, jewelry, vouchers for trips or vacation stays, souvenirs of the conference location, etc.  




Donate to SSO:USA


For website/technical questions, please contact [email protected]. For event questions and sponsorship opportunities, please contact [email protected].